Close the Gap - 50 Days

Unlock Every Students’ Academic Potential with Award-Winning Literacy Solutions

PreK-12 Accessible Solutions Turn Early and Struggling Readers into Grade Level Achievers!

Addressing learning loss is a big task.

Learning Ally provides accessible, affordable, and easy-to-implement supplemental solutions to support your educators and students every step of the way. Our holistic lens of Whole Child Literacy™ includes solutions that not only address vital skills but also consider individual cognitive abilities and learning environments in school and at home.

Students receive group instruction as well as individualized programming, allowing them to read and work independently. It’s easy to get started and gives educators time back in their busy day.

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Proven Effective to Drive Student Outcomes

In a recent K-8 study in Denver, the Learning Ally Audiobook Solution was found to double the rate of reading growth in only 50 days. Students experienced all the benefits of exciting literacy gains, including academic achievement, improved self-confidence and class participation, and reduced stress replaced by an enjoyment of learning!

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Double the rate of reading in only 50 days

The Audiobook Solution

Ensure equitable access to grade-level content for Grades K-12

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The largest library of human-read audiobooks with read-along highlighted text, including popular fiction, literature, and textbooks

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Authentic, human-read narration improves phonemic awareness, vocabulary, and fluency skills

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Diverse libraries ensure engagement and help your students see themselves in the content they read

Excite Reading™

Get PreK-2 students excited about reading while developing foundational skills

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Build reading comprehension by developing vocabulary and background knowledge

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Prompt rich discussion about authentic literature through lesson plans that model best practices

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Address the whole child with social emotional learning questions and activities

“The greatest difference with Learning Ally in our students, aside from their scores improving, is the social emotional learning piece. Their self-confidence grew at a rate that we wouldn’t be able to manipulate in the classroom.”
Maria Arcodia, Teacher, Brooklyn Arbor, District 14
Winner of the Learning Ally Excellence in Teaching Award

Support Your Educators

Help educators be efficient and impactful with their time
Progress monitoring tools for easy student assessment of individualized learning needs
Professional Learning ensures successful daily practice
Easy to implement and complements any literacy program

Solutions That Open the World of Reading

Guide emerging and struggling readers to explore reading, develop skills and comprehension, and contribute with confidence.

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Put the power of Learning Ally in the hands of your educators today.

Shop DOE for the Learning Ally solution and professional learning package that is right for your classrooms!

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Gina Emdin
Managing Partner
Direct: 914-364-0715
[email protected]
Kenneth Simmons
District Partnership Manager
Direct: 609-651-8575
[email protected]